Nice R Code

Punning code better since 2013

Bad Habits

It is easy to pick up bad habits. Here is a non-exaustive list in no particular order

  1. Avoid indexing by location unless you compute those locations (covered in Loading data

  2. Don’t use T and F as shortcuts for TRUE and FALSE. This dates back to the language that predates R. For why not to do this, try running T <- FALSE. Now both T and F are FALSE! Try running TRUE <- FALSE — R prevents you from doing this.

  3. Don’t be inconsistent (i.e., be consistent) with assignment symbols, variable names, etc. The more consistent you are, the easier you will find it to revisit your code in the future.

  4. Don’t use attach. I’m debating even listing this function’s name, but don’t use it. If you see it in somebody’s code, don’t copy it. Just trust me on this one.

  5. Avoid copy and pasting large chunks of code between projects. Once you get in the habit of making functions, copy those around, but I have seen huge messes of code with problems that are impossible to track down due to this.

  6. Don’t write enormously long functions that are difficult to read (this is sometimes unavoidable to a degree in cleaning up ecological data). Try to have each function do just one thing.

  7. Don’t write functions that depend on global variables, as this makes it hard to use those functions elsewhere (which was the point of writing them!). All data should be given as arguments to the function.

  8. Do document your work. You probably cannot have enough describing where data files came from, what scripts do what, how particular pieces of code work. Avoid writing comments that just repeat what the code says, and try and write comments that describe your intent, reasons for approaches, sources of data / code / algorithm — things that will make your life easier when you come back to a project.

  9. Keep things tidy. Tidy computing workspaces are as important as tidy as tidy lab workspaces. People have thought about this a bit, e.g.: Noble 2009 (PLOS Computational Biology). This is a constant battle against entropy.

  10. Indent your code, and do it consistently. There are many styles (google around to be amazed) but proper indentation is the difference between easy to read and hard to read code, as indent depth implies something about program structure. Take our variance function from earlier.

variance <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
m <- mean(x)
(1 / (n-1)) * sum((x - m)^2)


variance <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  m <- mean(x)
  (1 / (n-1)) * sum((x - m)^2)

It is much more obvious that the body of the variance function is three lines long in the second version than the first. Skimming the code, you will probably interpret the first version has only having a one line body and miss most of the function.

A good rule of thumb is to code for the person who will mantain your code. As this is usually you, that should not be too hard to motivate.
